Entries by An Unnamed Baldnobber (327)


Josh Hawley...."Duck"

No Josh, Roy was giving you personal political advise. 

He was not talking about "duck boat safety" on an Ozark lake.



Sorry about the "no vaccine", Taney County.... we got confused! 

   Surprise, surprise.... neither a call to the Health Department in our little Ozark Community nor a visit to their Website reveals any information regarding the Covid Vaccine event.  Why this information should be a secret, no one knows. I've tried the Police, the Fire Dept, Health Dept, Hospital, City Officials, Congressional Offices, and lastly the Missouri Covid Hotline @8774358411.  The response it consistent, "we have no information".  Actually the Missouri Department of Health representative  did report that they had heard that we had gotten a supply of the vaccine, but on closer questioning  said they did not know who "we" was, nor did they know what had happened to the supply, except that they thought it had been allocated to Hospitals in high risk areas. 

    After Taney Countys' pathetic Covid Testing Experience no one in Taney County should have expected that our Vaccine Inititive would be different.  So, here we sit in a city that is long on vocalists and fiddle players and obviously short on managerial talent.  When our friends and relatives around the nation ask why we have not been vaccinated, we will, patriots that we are, defend our current leadership that  failed to get us to the game, much less to the playoffs.

     PS: Should we, the Taney County victims, expect that all of those who collected paychecks funded from our tax dollars, yet failed us at this crisis moment, will show moral courage and quietly resign....probably not?  They will all just blame it on their "higher-ups" and keep on delivering the same marginal leadership that keeps Taney County in the nation's cultural basement.


Research Justice

     "This concept suggests that scientific research institutions should empower marginalized voices in the scientific process, cite minority research, and provide marginalized groups the “capacity and resources to use and wield all forms of its knowledge to effectively advance their agenda."

      We all know how many stupid things the alt-right and woke-left have offered this year.  Given the "covid threat level", I did not however, expect the extremists to rally around "equity strategies" that would almost surely kill everyone.  Hopefully we who are old will be gone when the next pandemic emerges.  Perhaps BLM and the Proud Boys can coin toss decide who will save humanity next time.  


It's all about your God....stupid!

     Generally speaking "Pew Research" offers credible insights about human dynamics.  Unless Trump's minions find that BLM's minions secretly employed "way cool" voting machines to defeat the donald, then the statistics suggest that most Americans, regardless of their chosen God, are thanking their God that Trump is withering.

     There sure was a lot of speculating and advertising and promoting and manipulating and polling offered up this year, ostensibly to affect the election outcome.  My take on the below Pew Poll is that it illustrates that Americans simply vote their "Religion Identity". The "separation of church and state" is just a hollow meme useful in minimizing holy wars in a culture where 90% of the population live in anima mode.



   Isn't it clear that the future of the planet will be decided, as it always has been, by the shifting numerical distribution of the various attractor God adherents. 


A damn good phrase

I am long sense bored at the Twitter wars about race.  I did, however read a recent book review that offered a clever sarcasm.  In today's broader cultural divide between "awake and selfish", this is, in my opinion, a level 1 put-down phrase: 

"If DiAngelo “makes her prescriptions from beneath a blanket of Ativan,” as one reviewer put it, Church approaches them like a surgeon at the operating table.

                                                    Long live a good metaphor

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