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Alphabet to the rescue!

     During our early Covid Days, we measured the likely time to develop vaccines against historical experiences that had available far less sophisticated research tools.  I noticed today, commentary about the emerging Omicron Variant virus only a week after first identification.  In only a few days Google's Deep Mind group had used their Alpha Go 2, AI "thinking machine" to an analyze and speculate  about the way in which the new variant will transform in contact with the vaccine antibodies.  Given the remarkable recent history of this AI software's ability to predict complex structural biology events, there is a pretty good chance that the Alpha Go 2 prediction that the current vaccines will neutralize the Omicron Variant, are pretty good.

 Mark Twain for Alphabet 

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Reader Comments (1)

Two weeks later the "woke" are acknowledging that of the three monoclonal antibody treatments helpful against Delta, that 2 are not useful against Omicron. Fortunately the third, "sotrovimab" is. Biden gonna buy 1 Billion worth, but at $2000+ per treatment we're not overwhelmed about the protection.

December 22, 2021 | Registered CommenterAn Unnamed Baldnobber

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