
Jobab and Me

     Christians, Muslims, Jews and, I presume, those from all spiritual traditions, really like Job. Most of us don't remember the full story, but we do remember that the Old Testament God, drilled down on Job (Jobab in Greece and the Ozarks) and pushed him to his limits.  COVID, Trump, global warming, aging relatives, fake news, uneducated work force, BLM,, the world awakens every day in a "Jobab state-of-mind".        

     Personally, well it's a little more complicated.  North of 75, and responsible for an Assisted Living Facility occupied by Republican octogenarians, who want unfettered privilege without viral exposure, no matter the near total absence of functioning staff....well, I am rivaling Jobab's anguish.  Much of the common clay workforce is home watching Netflix, given Nancy's $900 weekly pandemic stipend, and the 4thQ deplorables will not do 24 hour shifts because of their "habits".  If we continue to stay safe, we the brave/stupid few will kill ourselves "holding down the fort".  If we "fold" and do a "Trump-Open", we might as well push the residents in front of a bus... in that we are in Branson, Mecca to 9 million fundamentalist visitors who have heard on Fox News that Covid is either a hoax, or a Chinese conspiracy.  

     I am somewhat less certain than Jobab that... "my redeemer liveth"  job 19:25


Taney County COVID Test Chase

There are 40,000 residents in my home County, Taney, Missouri.  From March through mid June the reported COVID cases was around 10.  The local buzz was that these "positive cases" were just people passing through  and perhaps a person or two who had returned from Europe.  Now nine days into July and a week after announcing that Branson, our high profile tourist attraction city, opened, the reported positive cases number was above 130.

     I work at a "Senior Care Facility".  When, in April, Taney County announced that they were opening a "mobil test station" at the Branson Recreation Complex, I called the Taney County Health Department and ask how to sign up.  I was directed to Cox Health's Online App which informed me to download the Vidyo App and the Vidyo Connect App.  After several hours, given my fairly high digital prowess, I was able to virtual visit with a Nurse Practitioner.  The NP, resisted my request given that I would not explicitly announce a body temp at 100.4+.  Arguing that I did not have a digital thermometer and thought that the reading was "around 100" and that I lived in a Senior Facility, the NP relented and added my name to the list.  I then the following day I received a call from the Cox Test Facility setting an appointment for the following day.  When I arrived at the Branson Rec-Plex, the parking lot was roped off for as many as 200 cars.  I was the only car in the que.  There was a full test facility staffed by about a dozen gowned techs who administered the test in about 2 minutes.  When I finished there was only one other car in line.

     Several days later I learned from a conversation with a City Administrator that the number of tests being given didn't justify the facility and that it would reopen at the Cox Hospital garage.  Not long after, this facility was closed and a third facility was roped off in the Cox Cancer Center parking lot.  It was used briefly by a traveling National Guard testing group and then also closed.  It is surely obvious that, yes, a community does not need a testing facility, if no one is capable of qualifying for the available test.  It is my understanding that Cox Hospital has a grant to defray the cost of providing tests.  I do not think that they are trying to minimize the grant expenditures.  I just think that they have adopted the prevailing national consensus that the public only needs testing when they have symptoms.  As such, only persons with acute symptoms presenting at Cox ER are testing positive. (I have spoken with TCH asking for provider breakdown of test detail.  I was referred to the Community Outreach Dept. which telephony answers.  No response as of now)

After repeated calls to TCH during the July 6 week with every call ending at telephony, I called the Taney County Clerk who related that they had had numerous calls complaining about TCH "no answer" status.  I called my City Manager who suggested the direct number for a Fire Department Chief thought to be in charge of County Emergency Response.  He confirmed that the mobil test facility was as, of 7/6, was located at the Cox Cancer annex, but didn't know the status of testing.  He suggested I call the Main Cox Hospital number.  I did, on July 9.  I was not able to speak with anyone who knew the status.  I physically went to the site.  It was closed and permanent barricaded.  I learned that in the proceeding week it had temporarily been open for the free National Guard testing.  On 7/9 I did reach a live person in the WIC accounting department of TCH, who transferred me to a man named Hugo who described himself as the COO of TCH.  He explained that TCH was overwhelmed with calls and that were doing their best.  I related to the Fire Chief my concern that our community was without advise as the COVID Positive number jumped.  They voiced common concern and agreed to investigate and report.

     On Friday 7/10, I received a call from a TCH staffer, who referred me to her supervisor, who referrred me to a nurse. who did say with authority that the only County testing was through the particpating providers.  She suggested I call Cox who had earlier confirmed that tests were only available to persons with symptoms, even if they work at LTC facilities.  I found on the Cox website a number for a State agency who answered questions about COVID.  I spoke with someone in Jeff City who suggested the Mercy Urgent Care in Springfield had sometimes given tests without symptoms.  The State taskforce did reveal that there were 3 providers in Taney County that received Federal Grants to offset their cost in Testing.  They were Cox, Mercy and Ozark Clinic.  Ozark Clinic has all along had viral testing.

In summary COVID is an ongoing story.  My intention is not to argue either side of close/open.  I do argue that the situation is sufficiently dire that the local government should be a vital player.  It's not good that they are not in the test/trace business, worse that they don't provide statistics to allow rational decision making, and just unconscionably that they can't answer their phone 



Dixie Outfitters....designated protest stations

     This week Silver Dollar City is not Branson's most visible venue.  The "twitter trending" accolade goes this week to a tackie little retail shop on Branson's "Strip" that sells cheap Confederate memorabilia.  It has for decades, with little notice and almost certainly little profits.  Arrive BLM, looking hard for an object to receive their verb, i.e. disruptive protest.  We, the locals, found it perplexing that the protest designee was not Dixie Stampede, Dolly Pardon's upscale theater just a few blocks on down the Branson Strip....but it may well be that BLM is somewhat more discerning in the Ozark Hills than in LA.

     Regardless, last Saturday the BLM supporters did peacefully congregate at the store site such that they disrupted traffic, much of which, given the COVID story, were locals just out for a safe drive.  And then, just as spontaneous as a Facebook post, up show the "KKK/Racist/ White Supremacist/Libertarians/skinheads/neo-nazis, etc,  in aggregate refereed to as the "alt-right". They, in both number and intimidation visuals, easily outdid the dwindling BLM protester.  They took up the defensive position in front of the Dixie Outfitters doors.  The BLM protesters were pushed to a vacant driveway on the other side of Highway 76.

     Today, with a week passed,  all around Branson there are rumors and rumors of rumors that in response to the strong alt-right showing that ANTIFA agents will be spilling into Branson with ominous consequences as they encounter Branson's ample "home grown" alt-rights. The Branson locals, most of whom, live in a conservative/fundamentalist paradigm, hold images of ANTIFA as akin to the Taliban/Isis revolutionaries, probably from Hollywood.  When they arrive, they will need a third designated protest site somewhere along the 76Strip.

     My personal sense is that neither, at least in the Ozarks, BLM, nor alt-right, nor ANTIFA, are much beyond "identity badges" useful to find a friendly party, not in substance different that the local college rivalries between Hogs, Tigers, Sooners.  

     Will the inevitable encounters occasionally get out of hand?  Yes, but not at a concerning Tieneman Square thing happening here.  Although within each of these "attractors" there is no doubt elements of extreme violence.  When the Dixie Outfitters needs another designated protest station for the adherents to the (dare I mention) "boogaloo movement"....well that's another matter.  





     Americans auto-polarize on virtually every social issues large and small; Jesus, economics, race, sex, and most recently, “pandemics”.  Introduce a simple hypothesis such as “fewer of us will die if we all wear masks”, and in about a week, half of the population will agree/comply and half will oppose/resist. 
     There must be a fundamental organizing principle at play. My sense is that it’s a “game of life/game theory sort of thing” wherein a population optimizes their future common interest by supporting the empirically sound strategy.  Then, when a sufficient number commit resources to assure this optimal outcome, an opportunistic minority, defect to a contrary non-participating position, thereby enjoying benefit without cost.  These “affirm/defect/benefit” dances are very fluid in today’s social media culture. 
      However, it’s  just not clear how the COVID-Contrarians, who are now expressing their unity by refusing to wear masks, expect to advantage the outcome.  It looks like they disproportionately will pay the price for the “herd immunity” that ultimately saves the day.
                                                     NO MASK to NO MAS




There is a difference between....

The right to "free speech " and the right to "free reach".  Do we really want every personal perspective to have worldwide exposure.  Will the sensibilities at the low end of the wisdom hierarchy identify up or will they self assemble in coalitions of sameness?  If they do use their unrestricted reach to build sameness coalitions, the culture drift has to be down.