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So What If....Ukraine

     Yes, times are problematic here in America, the worlds oldest democracy.  About 20% of us know that "democracy is under attack".  However, for only about 10% of this subset is the threat of "authoritarian rule" more  alarming than a planet ending meteor strike.  Is this because American's have devolved into a nation of uneducated, self absorbed, avatar obsessed, psycho-droids.... or  

     Perhaps, now having a lot of experience watching ourselves live in this complicated "post truth" age, we Americans instinctively know that all of this "sovereign nation" crap is just a stale leftover from the 20th century. If I lived in Kiev, I would be hoping that the Ukrainian elites, (half of whom want the Russians and half whom don't), would see that flags and parliaments, and presidents are powerless to alter our daily lives. We are all running "auto-reality software", i.e. facebook/crypto/alexa/visa/etc.... and as such we are, in most aspects, insulated from "top down" authority control.  If your not on the grid, they can't turn of your lights! 

     So what if, the Russian flag flies next week in Kiev? No big deal. Life would be pretty much unchanged, except that perhaps Fox might get more air time and MSNBC might get less....who cares.  The 5% elites would still be there, half sucking up to Moscow and the other half trying to undermine Moscow via social media distortions....any the world would keep turning.

     Of course, all of the above, is moot if Ukraine gets drenched in "missle rain".  Probably they won't.  The weaker team will feign "going for it", run out the play clock, take a penalty,  and then punt. Think about it, missies aren't worth anything unless you have two sides.  If I were the comedian running Ukraine, I would send an email to Putin, announcing that as of tomorrow, all Ukrainians would be flying the Russian flag, that all currency would be converted to Rubles, that Putin would be acknowledged as the President. and that taxation revenues would be utilized pursuant to Moscow directives. I probably would also offer to Putin a willingness to endorse and promote any particular trans-rational deity platform that Putin might find attractive/useful.  Then I would, open a beer and watch a soccer match.


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