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per formative...Trauma Response

 They (my social media sculptured feed) recently reported that Tik Tok had almost single handedly brought the phrase "Trauma Response" to daily common usage in the developed world.  Johnathan Haid, the Psychology populariser reported a study suggesting that 54% of young white women report that they have been diagnosed with mental illness.  At 75+, I remember that most of my life was lived in a "pre-stress" world view.  Of course I knew the word "stress", but it did not occur to me that I could weaponize it until some where in my 40's. 

     In that the popularizing of stress as the "go to platform" has been wildly successful in the marketplace, on the job, in the bedroom, and in well, everywhere,  it is little surprise that, over time, the manipulative value has diminished.  Cynical perhaps, but it often seems that a primary benefit of SSRI Medications is the enhanced social power one derived from announcing their usage.  

     But, alas, as our social encounter advantage is being neutralized by a level playing field, wherein everyone has announced "stress", there is little choice except to either "put on a Nike hat and just do it"....or develop the per formative art skill of "Trauma Response" Far too many have chosen to escalate from from "please help" to "must help". They are now living their lives in a never ending chain of self described/self initiated Traumas.  I can't remember...is this "fragil" or anti-fragil".  Either way, it's getting pretty dark around here!


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