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Bernie does Paul Revere

      I do not know what Paul Revere was doing before his midnight ride to alert the colonies that "THE BRITISH ARE COMING".  I do know that for the Covid Season, Bernie Sanders has been low profile having acquiesced to the Democratic Moderates.  Yesterday, however, he did his best to set afire the American Electorate with a scathing press conference responding to a week of Trump's casual announcement that he wasn't going anywhere based on something so "within his control" as a "democratic election".  Bernie, much younger than Paul Revere, but equally intense, said,


     Bernie, was not the only public figure messaging America about this first, in two and a half centuries, assault on what we all take for granted.....Democracy.  Virtually every political, corporate, and social luminary offered  some variation of "this is just not right and we're not going to  let it happen" , but.... alas, five years into, Trump vs. America, with America trailing 0-17, the refrain was somewhere between hollow and pathetic.  Clearly our present institutional leaders are no match for an adversary with power and without moral boundaries.  Except the Michael Moores, the Bill Mahers, and perhaps the Maxine Waters, all of whom are perimeter players, the current "first chair leaders" only know how to color inside the lines...."they know no rule that vanquishes a rule-breaker".  Can you imagine Adam Schiff mobilizing a contra armed force?

      As best I can see, there is no Robert E. Lee, nor Che Guevara. nor al Baghdadi waiting backstage to save America from AUTOCRACY, albeit that that might be a blessing,.....so perhaps the 65+ million likely voters who represent 175+ million Americans should just:

  Trash their absentee ballots

   Turn off Cable TV, so they can't see MSNBS/CNN

Convert their meager wealth to gold

Hoard staples and seeds

  Learn Mandarin and Russian

Suggest that their adult children move back home

Delete the previous, remembering that they already have

Vacation in Beijing, Istanbul, Ukraine, Dubai

Look forward to Ivanka's more rational leadership


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