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Much ado about nothing!

This week at a "Special City Council" meeting, myself and a couple of hundred other bored Branson residents listened while Claudia and Hero impersonators read their lengthy "digital evidence packets" hoping to joust one another out of the Branson Planning Department.  Unfortunately, as Shakespeare had already comedically concluded, it was indeed, much ado about nothing.  Had they squared off about whether Adam Lambert should be chosen as the American Idol. or whether Newt Gingrich should be down here in the Ozarks "dissing the pres", it would have been worth the uncomfortably hot chambers, but........"the ramifications of waterproofing a basement wall".  Give me a break!  All the FEMA compliance stuff withstanding, the fraud/corruption/coverup stuff was just silly.  FEMA would be lucky to find Branson, much less uncover and magnify a "form over substance" mixup dating to before they became famous in New Orleans.  So what was the point?  Was it a clandestine plot to "create a plausible basis for frightened Landing Lessees to "walk their leases"?  Not likely! Was it to save our city from being destroyed by FEMA and the "Washington Bureaucracy" Not likely! Was it to "right some unrightable wrong" in tribute to our morally superior city self image?  I doubt it!  Was it just mean office politics spilling out into the parking lot and beyond?  It looked that way to me, but as Dennis Miller says, "I could be wrong"   

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